You can identify articles in SSRN by searching for words located in the following fields: title, abstract, author-supplied keywords describing the article, author name, and full-text of the posted article.
Accessing Search:
- The QuickSearch box will look for the words you enter in any of the available fields.
- The Advanced Search allows you to specify the field you want to search.
- You can return to the search screen at any time by clicking on the SSRN logo in the upper left corner of the screen.
Advanced Search Tips:
- When you enter multiple words in a search box, the system looks for all of them. (The space between words is treated as an AND.)
- In the Search Term(s) box, you can use quotation marks to do a phrase search (e.g., "legal research" will find that exact phrase.)
- If you enter both a first and last name in the Author(s) search box, the space between words will be treated as an AND, so you might get results beyond your intended author. However, note that author names are hyperlinked, so you can click on the author's name to bring up a list of only that author's works.
- After you enter your search criteria, click on the search button to bring up the articles meeting your criteria.
- the articles most recently added to SSRN will be at the top.
- the article sort order can be changed using the drop-down menu above the article list.
- Once you bring up your list of articles, a search within results feature allows you to narrow by adding additional search terms.