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Borrowing Books and Other Materials: Returns, Overdues & Damaged Items

Returning Library Materials

Please hand checked-out reserve items to Information Desk staff. Other checked-out materials should be placed in the book return at the Information Desk. Materials checked out from Cowles Library need to be returned directly to Cowles Library.

The borrower is responsible for the proper return of library materials.

Overdue, Damaged, or Lost Library Materials

Patrons are responsible for returning or renewing materials by the due date. As a courtesy reminder, an overdue notice is sent to a borrower when one or more library items are not returned by the due date. If one or more items remain overdue, a second overdue notice will be sent, and we will suspend the patron's checkout privileges. All library materials must be returned to reinstate these privileges.

If one or more items still remain overdue, a variety of recourses may be pursued until all materials are returned or replacement costs and fees paid, including:

  • Placing a hold on a student's record
  • Referring the matter to the Honor Board as a violation of the Drake Law School Code of Student Conduct (B. 11)
  • Referring the matter to law enforcement as a violation of section 714.5 of the Code of Iowa
  • In the case of an attorney, referring the matter to the Iowa Supreme Court Attorney Disciplinary Board

Patrons who lose or damage library materials should promptly contact library staff in the Circulation Department in person, via email (, or phone (515-271-3189).

Charges for lost items include the replacement price for the item and a $25 processing fee. If the lost item was a paperback that had been bound, a binding charge of $10 also may apply. The fee assessed for damaged items depends on the extent of the damage.

If a patron finds a lost item within 30 days after paying for it, the library will refund the payment if a replacement copy has not yet been ordered or the order can be cancelled.

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Drake University Law Library • 2604 Forest Ave. • Des Moines, Iowa 50311-3014