ScholarRank only includes articles (not book chapters or other materials) that are included in the HeinOnline Law Journal Library. HeinOnline also incorporates case citations to articles using data from HeinOnline and Fastcase.
ScholarRank ranks authors based on the calculation of five HeinOnline ScholarCheck metrics. The Z-score for each of the five metrics is identified and then averaged, and the final average is entered into a standard competition ranking to produce the overall ScholarRank for each author.
The five metrics are:
The Z score for each metric is caluclated with this formula: Zx = (x-µ)/σ, or put another way:
HeinOnline recalculates its metrics once each month, usually in the third week of the month.
Anyone with an article in the HeinOnline Law Journal Library automatically has an author profile page that displays basic information from the AALS directory, the list of the author's articles that are accessible in HeinOnline, and HeinOnline citation metrics.
Your HeinOnline Author Profile only lists your articles (not book chapters or other materials) that are included in the HeinOnline Law Journal Library.
Locating Author Profiles
First, access HeinOnline. The link connects you to the Drake Law Library subscription. On campus it will work seamlessly. Off campus, you will first need to sign in using your Drake ID number and password (the same information you use for myDrake).
Then click on Law Journal Library under Browse Databases by Name.
There are choices for your next best step depending on what you want to do.
Option 1 - Select an author profile by institution
1. Click on the Author Profiles link
2. This will bring up a list of institutions. Select the institution you want.
3. Now you will see a list of all authors at that institution.
Option 2 - Select an author profile by searching for an individual
Rather than finding a profile through an author's institution, you can also search for them directly.
Once you are logged in to HeinOnline, click the advanced search option near the top of the page.
This will bring up a search form, where you can enter the person's name in the author field, as shown below.
Clicking the search button to execute the search will bring up a list of articles by that author. Below you can see that in the search result the author's name is linked. Clicking on that name will take you to their profile.
This also works from the left-hand navigation when you are viewing an article. Clicking on the linked author's name will bring up their profile.
Option 3 - Select an author profile by browsing most cited lists
Once you are logged in to HeinOnline, select the Law Journal Library under Browse Databases by Name, then click the Most-Cited link.
You will be offered a variety of options (see red arrow in the screenshot above) for browsing by author, article, or journal. The first three options provide a top 100 list.
Once you access your HeinOnline author profile, you can download a CSV spreadsheet of all the metrics for your publications. You'll find the CSV button immediately above the first publication listed in your profile.
Using MyHein Accounts to Enhance Your Author Profile
Altmetric is a tool that tracks where published research is mentioned on websites, blogs, social media, and more, to assess the societal impact of scholarly works. This tool is now integrated into HeinOnline, but the Altmetric badge will only appear if the article includes a digital object identifier (DOI) and at least 1 metric from an outside online source.
ORCID provides a unique, persistent identifier to distinguish researchers and allow them to showcase their research outputs and activities. You can integrate your ORCID identifier into your HeinOnline Author Profile. Once you have, you can quickly send works from Hein to ORCID with a click of a button.
Source: All screenshots on this page created by Drake Law Library.