The legislative history of a particular law or area of law is often already compiled and published. These sources may be collections of reprinted documents, or just a narrative history that cites the important sources. To determine whether such a legislative history has been compiled, check the sources on this page.
USCCAN (United States Code Congressional and Administrative News) lists and prints the full text of what are considered the most important legislative history documents for some laws enacted since 1944 (78th Congress, 2d session). USCCAN also provides the bill number, date of enactment, and a list of all committee reports for every law passed by Congress.
Legislative History in Articles. Use the Index to Legal Periodicals and the LegalTrac databases to identify articles that discuss a particular legislative history.
Provides indexing for more than 1,200 major law reviews, legal newspapers, specialty publications, Bar Association journals, and international legal journals, including more than 200 titles in full text.