On final exam days, all library study rooms, conference rooms, computer labs, and study lounges are presumptively reserved for exam takers. Rooms are assigned by the exam center and unused rooms are released by 9:30 a.m. At that time, library Information Desk staff can tell you which rooms are being used for exams.
Prior to 9:30 a.m., you can check out a study room with the understanding that we may need to ask you to vacate the room if it needs to be used for finals. Please stay in the room so that we can easily find you if we need to ask you to relocate. The same goes for the unlocked rooms: if you choose to use one before 9:30 a.m., please stay in the room. If that room is assigned to a test-taker, you will need to leave.
Based on the order in which rooms are assigned, you are least likely to be asked to leave the following unlocked Law Library rooms:
Additional options outside the Law Library are available.
In all Law School locations, please remember
Best wishes for successful finals!
Source: Drake Law Library Mobile white boards can also be found throughout different floors of the library. |
The following library rooms have white boards: White boards can also be found outside of LL19 in the Lower Level Lounge. However, since final exams may occur in LL19 and nearby conference rooms LL15 and LL16, students using these spaces must be quiet during exam administration. There are also rolling white boards located throughout the library. All Cartwright classrooms have white boards. On exam days, Cartwright classrooms are available for use after 1 p.m. |
Space is at a premium during finals, so the following options may also be useful: