The links on this page will execute a search in SuperSearch, the Drake Libraries catalog, for study aids on a specific topic. Results are sorted to show the newest items first.
Note that searches executed through SuperSearch will identify print and audio study aids only; they will not identify electronic study aids available via CALI, the Aspen Online Study Aids Library, Westlaw's Practical Law, or Lexis' 1L Resource Center or 2L/3L Resource Center.
In addition to the subjects listed above, you can also create your own search through the SuperSearch advanced search using "study aid" as a subject term together with any other search terms you would like to use.
In the subject field input study aid.
You can then input other search options, too. Note that you can use the drop-down menus to change "Any field" to a more specific field, so you can have more than one subject field.
Source: Drake Law Library
Please consult the library staff at the Information Desk for more information or assistance in finding specific materials.