While the Drake Law Library has a broad collection of materials related to Iowa law, print holdings for other states are limited. The library maintains current copies of the statutory code, in an annotated version where available, for Iowa, Maryland, and North Carolina. (Through 2013, the library maintained copies for all states). For all states but Iowa, these are found on the third floor of the library. (For Iowa, see the Iowa Wing and Ready Reference.) We do not receive hard-copy versions of the administrative register or code for any state.
If we have other state-specific print resources, they will be shelved near that state's statutes.
State constitutions are typically included in the state statutory code.
Westlaw, LexisNexis, and Bloomberg Law offer collections of state legal resources for individual states, and Westlaw and LexisNexis also offer databases of combined state codes and combined state constitutions. Additional compilations of state resources include: