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State and Local Law Research: Comparing State Laws

Uniform & Model Laws

Uniform laws are model laws drafted by the Uniform Law Commission (ULC, formerly National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, or NCCUSL). State legislatures may vote to adopt these laws with or without revision.

ULC and other organizations also draft model laws not designated as uniform laws, which state legislatures may also vote to adopt with or without revision.

State courts may be influenced by model law drafting history and treatment in other courts when interpreting an adopted provision in their state.

Interstate Compacts

A few of the larger organizations overseeing interstate compacts are listed below.

50-State Surveys

Before compiling state laws on a particular topic yourself, check to see if a compilation already exists. Updating a pre-existing compilation will be much faster than starting from scratch. 

Additional Strategies for Seeking Compilations of State Laws

Examples of the kind of resources you can find follow.

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