Below are suggestions for organizations to consult and useful articles to keep abreast of the virus, find best practices for the workplace and libraries, and keep current on the evolving study of the virus:
American Institute of Architects (AIA)
AIA Releases New Resources to Help Safely Reopen Buildings Following COVID-19
American Library Association (ALA) – Pandemic Preparedness Resources for Libraries
American Association of Law Library's Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates & Resources
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
"The Coronavirus Outbreak" articles from Scientific American.
Littler Law Library
Littler’s librarians, as an already 100% virtual department, participated in a practice office travel program to meet face to face with and train our attorneys on research and legal practice tools. Travel plans were abruptly canceled after March and future travel is uncertain. Our librarians are reviewing the content covered and reflecting on the most important training and interactions accomplished during in-person visits to practice offices. Librarians still want to connect with attorneys and offices, so the department will reset our program to adapt to virtual workplaces and still accomplish the same goals.
As we shift forward, workplace issues still need to be acknowledged and continued to be addressed.
Inc. has a great Covid Resource Center with a number of particularly relevant articles to help navigate workplace issues related to COVID-19:
McKendrick, Joe, "Corporate Culture, Interrupted: Lessons Learned From the Great Remote Work Migration of 2020." Forbes (Online), May 4, 2020.
Berliner, Uri, "Get A Comfortable Chair: Permanent Work From Home is Coming." NPR: Heard on "All Things Considered", June 22, 2020 (can access audio as well from link).
Blaschka, Amy, "How to Tackle the Secret Coronavirus Guilt You're Feeling." Forbes (Online), June 1, 2020.
Keates, Nancy, "Guilt is Powerful for Those Doing Fine in the Lockdown." The Wall Street Journal (Online), May 21, 2020.
Ziegler, Sheryl G., "How to Let Go of Working-Mom Guilt." Harvard Business Review (Online), September 4, 2020.
Productivity & Trust
Rheem, Don, "This One Thing Can Immediately Improve Productivity and Trust in the Workplace." Forbes (Online), June 1, 2018.
"What COVID-19 Teaches us about the Importance of Trust at Work." Wharton, University of Pennsylvania: Knowledge@Wharton, June 4, 2020.
Bariso, Justin, "This Company's New 2-Sentence Remote Work Policy is the Best I've Ever Heard." Inc. (Online), July 27, 2020.
Exploring ways to keep yourself and those you supervise motivated during the pandemic . . . and beyond:
Herman, Sean, "Three Things the Pandemic Has Taught Me about Being a Leader." Forbes (Online), September 11, 2020.
McGregor, Lindsay and Neel Doshi, "How to Keep Your Team Motivated Remotely." Harvard Business Review (Online), April 9,2020.
There are a variety of leadership and management books available. There are numerous reviews and lists on the Internet, from a variety of different individuals and publications. In lieu of a list of titles, links to a few articles discussing recent Leadership and Management publications is included here to help get you starting in looking for resources:
Binder, Laura, "20 Management Books to Read in 2020." Blog Post:, Updated October 10, 2019.
Buchanan, Leigh, "16 New Business Books you Need to Read in 2020." Inc. (Online), January 3, 2020.
Hall, John, "The Best Leadership Books for New Managers in 2019." Forbes (Online), August 15, 2019.
Hall, John, "8 New Books that Will Make you a Better Leader in 2021." Forbes (Online), September 3, 2020.
Power, Rhett, "The Best Books on Leadership for 2019." Forbes (Online), July 9, 2019.
Power, Rhett, "Top 20 Books You Need to Read to Crush 2020." Forbes (Online), January 6, 2020.