Before submitting an ILL request, consider these faster, alternate sources:
Other Des Moines Libraries
If needed materials are located at Cowles, please use them there rather than requesting them via ILL. If needed materials are located at the State Law Library, you can request them via ILL, but it will likely be faster to go there directly and make copies. The State Law Library will not check out books to law students.
PDF Copies
PDF files are exact copies of the original, including page numbering and graphics. For cite-checking, PDF copies are generally accepted as authoritative substitutes for the original. If you need help locating PDF copies, ask a reference librarian to assist you.
Microfiche/film provides an exact copy of the original, including page numbering and graphics. Check the online catalog to see if the Law Library owns the title you need in microform, then use the microfiche reader/printer to print or digitize copies from microfiche/film. Libraries vary in their willingness to loan microfiche/film items.