(Note: additional content available in other databases.)
SuperSearch provides access to many full-text online materials and all of the Drake libraries print holdings. For print materials, SuperSearch indicates whether Law or Cowles owns an item, its location and call number, and if it is checked out or on the shelf.
Search for journal articles from the main or advanced interface or by clicking the Journal Finder link.
See the library's SuperSearch guide for instructions and tips, including how to find an article by citation.
Provides indexing for more than 1,200 major law reviews, legal newspapers, specialty publications, Bar Association journals, and international legal journals, including more than 200 titles in full text.
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If you find a highly relevant source, particularly one that was not published in the last year or so, seeing who else has cited it can be a good way to identify other research sources.
Below are some of the tools that can help you identify citing sources.
Also see the books under the Introductory Books tab.
Click on the links below to conduct a search for that subject in SuperSearch, the Drake Libraries catalog.
Use AND (in all caps) or the Advanced Search link to combine concepts in your search. For instance, you could
You can also find subject headings more specific to your topic by conducting a keyword search and then looking at the subject headings listed in relevant results.